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Start a New Organization

What is considered a Recognized Student Organization?

A student organization is a body of at least three students who come together to fulfill a common purpose, goal, and interest. The organization must select its own leadership, which must be currently registered students, and the leaders must not be financially compensated by the university for their involvement in the organization. A Recognized Student Organization is one that seek official recognition by the University by completing the recognition process and maintaining the annual recognition requirements—both set forth by Student Leadership & Involvement and enforced by the Organization Resource Group (ORG).

Start a New Org

Getting Started

There are a couple of things that you'll need before beginning the process. 

  1. Three currently registered matriculated students
  2. A constitution that meets the ORG constitution guidelines


Recognition Periods 2020-2021

  1. August 30 - September 11, 2020
  2. November 1 - November 13, 2020
  3. January 31 - February 12, 2021

Five Easy Steps

  1. Attend a New Student Organization Information Sessions before (or during) one of the Recognition Periods.


  1. Three Officers must complete the online bystander intervention training. 
  2. Submit the application on Campus Connect during one of the three annual recognition periods for new or prospective organizations. 
  3. ORG reviews the application, asks clarifying questions, and requests any necessary revisions before sending a recommendation to Student Leadership & Involvement.
  4. After preliminary approval, complete the process by scheduling an appointment with an ORG team member within thirty calendar days to receive and complete the Campus Connect Profile. 

Frequently ask questions (FAQs)

The purpose of recognizing student organizations at the University of Utah is to provide a structure through which students may exercise their right to freely associate in pursuit of a common purpose or goal that enhances the U of U community.  Recognized Student Organizations create opportunities for leadership development, learning, student engagement, and the fostering of shared interests. This recognition process helps new student organizations form a foundation of knowledge about navigating the university along with the benefits, expectations, and limitations of student organizations. Our goal is for your new organization to be sustainable for years to come and successful at its mission and goals. This process seeks to achieve that. 

 You must submit recognition materials for your prospective organization in the two weeks window following each information session to ensure that all materials are submitted in a timely manner to be presented to Student Leadership & Involvement. The Organization Resource Group (ORG) recommends that students begin to prepare these items prior to the submission period.

There are three opportunities to complete this process in its entirety. It's important to note that all five steps must be completed within the same recognition period. If you or your other student leaders don't have time during the 1st one, we encourage you to plan ahead for the 2nd or 3rd opportunity. If you have questions or would like to request a possible accommodation, please email ORG at

Per the Guidelines for Recognized Student Organizations, all prospective student organizations must have a unique purpose from any existing organizations.

The short answer is no; however, if the prospective organization does have an advisor or eventually finds one, they are required to notify the Organization Resource Group (ORG) as soon as possible so the advisor can complete an Advisor Agreement form from Student Leadership & Involvement. 

This classification, as it pertains to Campus Rec or Fraternity & Sorority Life, is based upon the purpose and activities of your organization. Although all prospective organizations are required to go through the same recognition process, the Club Sports or Fraternity & Sorority Life offices may have additional requirements.


Information Sessions FAQs

Attending a New Student Organization Information Session is required because these sessions give vital details regarding the recognition process and the application. These sessions also serve as an introduction to the Organization Resource Group (ORG), Campus Connect, Student Leadership & Involvement, the expectations from university policy,  and benefits of student organizations.

ORG only requires one (1) student leader per prospective organization to attend; however, it is encouraged to send as many folks as possible. 

If an organization loses its recognition status, a representative must attend an information session to ensure they understand the recognition process in its entirety. A thorough understanding of the process will ensure that students can complete the required steps in an efficient manner.

Application FAQs

The new student organization application will ask for basic information about your idea for a new student organization. You will be asked to provide the contact info for three student members and a constitution. Among other items, the form also asks:

  • What is the purpose of this organization?
  • Why are you interested in starting an organization?
  • Are there any other organizations on campus that share a similar purpose?
  • Has your organization ever been recognized at the U?
  • Is your prospective organization affiliated with a national organization?
  • Does your prospective organization have a relationship with a campus department or office?
  • Do you have a faculty or staff advisor? (not required, but information we need to know if applicable)

Think of the constitution as a "How-to" document for running your organization. It should be detailed in the important areas: name, purpose, criteria and responsibilities membership, membership removal processes, officer positions and responsibilities, elections, officer removal, advisor role and responsibilities (if applicable), meeting frequency suggestions, and more. See our Sample Constitution for a template of what it should look like. 

To receive recognition, prospective organizations must comply with the standards set forth by the Department of Student Leadership & Involvement when composing a constitution. This ensures that all organizations are held to fair and consistent standards and ensures that all recognized organizations embody the values set forth by the University of Utah. See the ORG constitution checklist which includes all the required statements, processes, and sections the constitution should include. 

If your prospective organization does not submit an application or if an incomplete application is submitted, your prospective organization's application will not be considered, and you will have to begin this process from the beginning—including attending an info session—at the next recognition period. Complete applications are due on Campus Connect by 5 p.m. on each designated deadline. 

After Approval / Maintaining Recognition

Your organization's leadership will have thirty (30) calendar days to schedule and complete an appointment with the ORG staff to receive training on Campus Connect AND complete the organization's new Campus Connect profile.

To maintain recognition, within the academic year, student organizations must complete the annual requirements set forth by the Guidelines for Recognized Student Organizations. This includes:

  • Consistently updating the officers on Campus Connect as they transition during the year,
  • Annually submitting a renewal/re-registration request on Campus Connect
  • Three (3) officers/student leaders completing the annual bystander intervention training online
  • Annually send either the President (primary contact) or the VP to an ORG Administrative Training

Please contact the Organization Resource Group (ORG) if your organization’s membership falls below 3 members. The office will provide an organization in this position with a 30-day grace period to search for and recruit new members. The Director of Student Leadership & Involvement must approve exceptions to this rule.

Newly-recognized student organizations may only apply for up to $100 of funding from the ASUU Assembly or the Travel Committee during their first semester of recognition. From the time your organization receives recognition, sixteen (16) weeks must pass before your organization is permitted to apply for any additional funding from ASUU. Please see the ASUU Student Organization Funding page for more information.


Last Updated: 8/11/21